BigQuery, Google’s fully-managed and serverless data warehouse, empowers organizations to analyze massive datasets with remarkable speed and efficiency. But what about when you need to get that data out of BigQuery? Whether it’s for archiving, further processing, or integration with other systems, there are several ways to extract data from BigQuery datasets. In this blog post, we’ll delve into some of the common methods for accomplishing this.

1. Exporting Data to Cloud Storage

One of the fundamental ways to extract data from BigQuery is by exporting it to Google Cloud Storage (GCS). BigQuery provides various export formats, including CSV, JSON, Avro, Parquet, and more. Here’s how you can do it using Terraform:

provider "google" {
    project = "my-project-id"

resource "google_bigquery_job" "job" {
  job_id     = "job_extraction_table_xyz"

  extract {
    destination_uris = ["gs://my-bq-export-bucket/extract"]
    source_table {
      project_id = "my-project"
      dataset_id = "my-dataset-id"
      table_id   = "my-table-in-dataset"

    destination_format = "NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON"
    compression        = "GZIP"

This Terraform script defines a BigQuery job to export data from a specified table to GCS in JSON format with GZIP compression.

2. Scheduled Exports

Scheduled exports in BigQuery allow you to automate regular data extraction tasks. For example, you can set up a daily backup of your data to GCS as Parquet files with SNAPPY compression. The following SQL script demonstrates this:

DECLARE backup_date DATE DEFAULT DATE_SUB(@run_date, INTERVAL 1 day);

  OPTIONS ( uri = CONCAT('gs://my-bucket/', CAST(backup_date AS STRING), '/*.parquet'),
    overwrite=FALSE ) AS
  DATE(timestamp) = backup_date

This script backs up data daily, capturing records from the previous day, and stores it in GCS.

3. Command-Line Tools

Google Cloud offers command-line tools like bq (BigQuery CLI), which are handy for exporting data to various formats and destinations. Here’s an example of using bq to export data to CSV format with SNAPPY compression:

bq extract --location=us-east1 \
--destination_format CSV \
--field_delimiter "," \
--print_header=true \
project_id:dataset.table \

These tools provide flexibility and control for data extraction tasks.

In conclusion, BigQuery offers multiple methods for extracting data based on factors like data volume, retrieval frequency, integration needs, and your preferred tools and languages. Whether you’re exporting data for backup, analysis, or sharing with other systems, BigQuery’s versatility ensures you can meet your data extraction requirements efficiently.