Setting up yum repos on RHEL using httpd. We will be setting up httpd and yum repo on top of it. So that we can access yum over http.

yum Repository Creation on using httpd Web Server.

Installing prerequisites.

To setup a repository we need to install createrepo package.

yum install createrepo.

Create directories to store the repo.

Below are the directories to be created, to store the rpms in.

mkdir -p /export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-app/SRPMS
mkdir -p /export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-app/x86_64
mkdir -p /export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-sys/SRPMS
mkdir -p /export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-sys/x86_64

Create subdirectories as below.

[root@repo-server ~]# ls -l /export/custom-repo/
total 12
drwxrwxr-x 2 repomgr repomgr 4096 Oct 14 09:06 pkg
drwxr-xr-x 2 root    root    4096 Oct 13 16:18 repodata
drwxr-xr-x 5 repomgr repomgr 4096 Oct 14 11:09 yum-channels
[root@repo-server ~]# ls -l /export/custom-repo/yum-channels/
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 4 repomgr repomgr 4096 Oct 14 11:09 custom-repo-channel-app
drwxr-xr-x 4 repomgr repomgr 4096 Oct 14 10:53 custom-repo-channel-sys
-rw-r--r-- 1 repomgr repomgr  150 Oct 14 11:00 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 repomgr repomgr   50 Oct 14 11:01 README
[root@repo-server ~]# ls -l /export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-app/
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 repomgr repomgr  157 Oct 14 10:53 Makefile
drwxr-xr-x 3 repomgr repomgr 4096 Oct 14 11:09 SRPMS
drwxr-xr-x 3 repomgr repomgr 4096 Oct 14 11:00 x86_64
[root@repo-server ~]# ls -l /export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-sys/
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 repomgr repomgr  157 Oct 14 10:53 Makefile
drwxr-xr-x 3 repomgr repomgr 4096 Oct 14 11:00 SRPMS
drwxr-xr-x 3 repomgr repomgr 4096 Oct 14 11:00 x86_64
[root@repo-server ~]#

Creating Repository.

createrepo /export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-app/SRPMS
createrepo /export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-app/x86_64
createrepo /export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-sys/SRPMS
createrepo /export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-sys/x86_64

Here is how the directory looks after createrepo

[root@repo-server ~]# tree /export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-sys/
├── Makefile
│   └── repodata
│       ├── 401dc19bda88c82c40347e95f5b9835888189c03834cc93-filelists.xml.gz
│       ├── 6bf9672d0862e8ef8b8ff5978e6589d87944c88259cb670-other.xml.gz
│       ├── 77a287c136f4ff47df50a525f06ddf41a3fef39908d61a7-other.sqlite.bz2
│       ├── 8596812757300b1d87f2d8ee28c11009e5980cb5cd4be14-primary.sqlite.bz2
│       ├── dabe2ce5481d23de1f4f6c9e0de2ce8123adeefa0dd08b9-primary.xml.gz
│       ├── f8606d9f21d61a8bf40502becb78ba5fea7d0f1cd06a0b2-filelists.sqlite.bz2
│       └── repomd.xml
└── x86_64
    └── repodata
        ├── 401dc19bda88c82c40347e95f5b9835888189c03834cc93-filelists.xml.gz
        ├── 6bf9672d0862e8ef8b8ff5978e6589d87944c88259cb670-other.xml.gz
        ├── 77a287c136f4ff47df50a525f06ddf41a3fef39908d61a7-other.sqlite.bz2
        ├── 8596812757300b1d87f2d8ee28c11009e5980cb5cd4be14-primary.sqlite.bz2
        ├── dabe2ce5481d23de1f4f6c9e0de2ce8123adeefa0dd08b9-primary.xml.gz
        ├── f8606d9f21d61a8bf40502becb78ba5fea7d0f1cd06a0b2-filelists.sqlite.bz2
        └── repomd.xml

4 directories, 15 files

Installing and configuring httpd to host the yum repository.

Setting up httpd web server, and configure it to host the repos.

Install httpd

yum install httpd


Create a file in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ as custom-repo-channel-app.conf.

Alias /customrepochannelapp "/export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-app"
<Directory "/export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-app">
    Options +Indexes
    Allow from all

httpd configuration for the server for all the repos.

[root@repo-server ~]# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/
custom-repo-channel-app.conf  custom-repo-channel-sys.conf  README              welcome.conf
[root@repo-server ~]# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/custom-repo-channel-*
Alias /customrepochannelapp "/export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-app"
<Directory "/export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-app">
    Options +Indexes
    Allow from all

Alias /customrepochannelsys "/export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-sys"
<Directory "/export/custom-repo/yum-channels/custom-repo-channel-sys">
    Options +Indexes
    Allow from all

[root@repo-server ~]#

Restart httpd server.

service httpd restart

Configuring yum.

Create a file custom-channel.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/.

For we are using the below to configure the server. If this repo is inside the network which does not need a proxy then, make sure to use proxy=_none_ as we do NOT want the repo to use it.

name=Custom Channel App Source Repository

Complete list of rpms configured as below.

[root@repo-server ~]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/custom-channel.repo
name=Custom Channel App Source Repository

name=Custom Channel App Repository

name=Custom Channel System Source Repository

name=Custom Channel System Repository
[root@repo-server ~]#

Here is the output for repolist.

[root@repo-server ~]# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: product-id, rhnplugin, security, subscription-manager
repo id                                             repo name                       status
custom-repo-channel-app-repo         Custom Channel App Repository                    112
custom-repo-channel-appsrc-repo      Custom Channel App Source Repository              12
custom-repo-channel-sys-repo         Custom Channel System Repository                 144
custom-repo-channel-syssrc-repo      Custom Channel System Source Repository           44
rhel-6-server-rpms                   Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server (RPMs)      16,167
rhel-server-dts-6-rpms               Red Hat Developer Toolset RPMs for Red Ha         84
rhel-server-dts2-6-rpms              Red Hat Developer Toolset 2 RPMs for Red         469
repolist: xx
[root@repo-server ~]#