What we are trying to achieve ?

  1. Send json from and browser/curl to nodejs.
  2. nodejs will redirect json data to kafka.
  3. Further processing is done on kafka.
  4. We can then see the json arrive on kafka-console-consumer.sh script.

Step 1 : Create a script called json_nodejs_kafka.js with below script.

	Getting some 'http' power
var http=require('http');

	Setting where we are expecting the request to arrive.
var request = {
        hostname: 'localhost',
        port: 8125,
        path: '/upload',
        method: 'GET'

	Lets create a server to wait for request.
http.createServer(function(request, response)
		Making sure we are waiting for a JSON.
    response.writeHeader(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
		request.on waiting for data to arrive.
	request.on('data', function (chunk)
			CHUNK which we recive from the clients
			For out request we are assuming its going to be a JSON data.
			We print it here on the console. 

			Using kafka-node - really nice library
			create a producer and connect to a Zookeeper to send the payloads.
		var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
		Producer = kafka.Producer,
		client = new kafka.Client('kafka:2181'),
		producer = new Producer(client);
			Creating a payload, which takes below information
			'topic' 	-->	this is the topic we have created in kafka.
			'messages' 	-->	data which needs to be sent to kafka. (JSON in our case)
			'partition' -->	which partition should we send the request to.
							If there are multiple partition, then we optimize the code here,
							so that we send request to different partitions. 
			payloads = [
			{ topic: 'test', messages: chunk.toString('utf8'), partition: 0 },

			producer 'on' ready to send payload to kafka.
		producer.on('ready', function(){
			producer.send(payloads, function(err, data){

			if we have some error.
		producer.on('error', function(err){})

		end of request
	Listen on port 8125

Step 2 : Start above script on the nodejs server.

[nodejs-admin@nodejs nodejs]$ vim json_nodejs_kafka.js
[nodejs-admin@nodejs nodejs]$ node json_nodejs_kafka.js

Step 3 : Execute curl command to send the JSON to nodejs.

[nodejs-admin@nodejs nodejs]$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
                           -d '{"username":"xyz","password":"xyz"}' http://localhost:8125/upload

Step 4 : Output on nodejs console

[nodejs-admin@nodejs nodejs]$ node json_nodejs_kafka.js 
{ test: { '0': 29 } }

{"username":"xyz","password":"xyz"} request from the curl command. { test: { '0': 29 } } response from the kafka cluster that, it has received the json.

Step5 : Output on the kafka consumer side.

[kafka-admin@kafka kafka_2.9.2-]$ bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh \
                                        --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test --from-beginning

{"username":"xyz","password":"xyz"} data received from nodejs server.