PyYAML - The next generation YAML parser and emitter for Python.

PyYAML has some really nice features to manipulate YAML files. Was working on getting some configuration using YAML file. Had a requirement where one of the variables had to be appended to another on the fly with the YAML. Also the base variable would dynamically change (BaseCDH) from a chef run.

Creating Variable &base_cluster_name.

  # Basic cluster information
  - cluster: &base_cluster_name !!python/object/apply:string.upper [BaseCDH] # Keep this CAPTITAL as we will using this tin each role and service.

Substitution in config.

      cluster_name: *base_cluster_name
      zookeeper_service: !!python/object/apply:string.join [[ZOOKEEPER, *base_cluster_name], '-']
      zookeeper.chroot: /kafka

In the below string we are passing the BaseCDH from the chef run. And we want this to be an UPPERcase. So we are using the !!python/object/apply:string.upper, string operation, which are similar to string process methods here we can any of then as required.

!!python/object/apply:string.upper [BaseCDH]

Next &base_cluster_name is the place holder for the variable. We need to then concat strings so we use the join operation.

!!python/object/apply:string.join [[ZOOKEEPER, *base_cluster_name], '-']

This would result in a string as ZOOKEEPER-BASECDH. BASECDH keeps changes based on the cluster_name.

Example: Yaml Configuration.

  # Basic cluster information
  - cluster: &base_cluster_name !!python/object/apply:string.upper [BaseCDH] # Keep this CAPTITAL as we will using this tin each role and service.
    # Service. All the service definitions go here
          zookeeper_service: !!python/object/apply:string.join [[ZOOKEEPER, *base_cluster_name], '-']
          zookeeper.chroot: /kafka


  'clusters': [
      'services': {
        'KAFKA': {
          'config': {
            'zookeeper_service': 'ZOOKEEPER-BASECDH',
            'zookeeper.chroot': '/kafka'
      'cluster': 'BASECDH'