Module used to generate Zabbix import xml for snmp traps, Below are steps to create a Zabbix Import for Traps. These traps are captured from the snmptrap function in Zabbix.

Step 1: Select Alarm

Select the Alarms from the iReasoning MIB browser and Export them as CSV. This Script expect MIB information to be in CSV format. Export from a iReasoning Browser will generate CSV as below.

"Name","Full Name","OID","Type","Access","Indexes","MIB Module","Description"

We use this information to create snmptrap items and corresponding Trigger in the XML. Which can be imported directly.

Step 2: Create XML

Below are the details to create the xml file from the CSV create above.

python <export_csv> <host_name> \ 
                                                    <host_group_name> <host_interface_name>

example: python \
            -e export_csv_from_ireasoning_mib_browser.csv \ 
            -n GGSN-1-LONDON -g GGSN-GROUP -i


Select the Alarms from the iReasoning MIB browser and Export them as CSV. This Script expect MIB information to be in CSV format. Export from a iReasoning Browser will generate CSV as below.

"Name","Full Name","OID","Type","Access","Indexes","MIB Module","Description".

We use this information to create snmptrap items and corresponding Trigger in the XML. Which can be imported directly.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e EXPORT_CSV, --export-csv EXPORT_CSV
                        OID file, Gives all OIDs on the device
  -n HOST_NAME, --host-name HOST_NAME
                        Host name as given in Zabbix server.
  -g HOST_GROUP, --host-group HOST_GROUP
                        Host Group which the host belongs to, as in Zabbix
  -i HOST_INTERFACE, --host-interface HOST_INTERFACE
                        SNMP Interface configured on Zabbix server. (Assuming
                        Single Interface in Configured)

Code location

Code can be found here : snmp_trap_importer_from_csv